Solving PDE’s with electrical circuit analogy

One of our group member has successfully defended his Ph.D.. His thesis was on "Solution of Network Coupled Partial Differential Equations Through Electrical Analogy".  Abstract of his thesis : In the thesis, Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are modeled by an electrical circuit generated from the equations arising from the Finite Element Method. This allows the …

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Easiest way (the command line way) to record your desktop (screencast) in linux

Use this script. Make sure ~/Video directory exits on your computer. And ffmpeg is also installed. This script computes the resolution of your desktop and saves the video to ~/Video/output.mkv file. The file size is typically very big (high definition) which you can again reduce to by converting the file to some other format using …

Easiest way (the command line way) to record your desktop (screencast) in linux Read More »

Neglect of history and obsession with the past

लो अतीत से उतना ही जितना पोषक है जीर्ण-शीर्ण का मोह मृत्यु का ही द्योतक है तोड़ो बन्धन, रुके न चिंतन गति, जीवन का सत्य चिरन्तन धारा के शाश्वत प्रवाह में इतने गतिमय बनो कि जितना परिवर्तन है।  — Dwarika Prasad Maheshwari One of our historians has noted, rather ruefully, the lack of taste for …

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CMake with Flex and Bison (Yacc) : ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND

In case I can not google it again. Here is this informative post. Following is the verbatim copy of this email. # Create target for the parser ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(FooParser echo “Creating parser.c”) # Create custom command for flex/lex (note the outputs) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( SOURCE ${Foo_SOURCE_DIR}/src/lexer.l COMMAND ${FLEX_EXECUTABLE} ARGS -o${Foo_BINARY_DIR}/src/lexer.c ${Foo_SOURCE_DIR}/src/lexer.l TARGET FooParser OUTPUTS ${Foo_BINARY_DIR}/src/lexer.c) # Create custom …

CMake with Flex and Bison (Yacc) : ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND Read More »

Getting caught in a loop while traversing a (directed acyclic) graph

How to detect if you are getting caught inside a loop when you are traversing a directed graph. This is equivalent of checking if you graph is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Assume that each vertex of graph has a label such as A, B, C, etc. While you are traversing the graph, you keep …

Getting caught in a loop while traversing a (directed acyclic) graph Read More »

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not working in Makefile

If LD_LIBRARY_PATH is exported in Makefile and makefile is not working as you have expected, then you should try updating LIBRARY_PATH. LIBRARY_PATH is used by gcc before compilation to search for directories containing libraries that need to be linked to your program. If you wish to link static libraries, you should update LIBRARY_PATH and not …

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not working in Makefile Read More »

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