Graph Theory

Calculating max-flow using push-relabel method

Calculating maximum flow in a flow-network is a fundamental problem. It has been observed that smart implementation of ‘push-relabel’ methods performs better than algorithms based on finding ‘augmenting paths’. We have implemented one such variation of push-relabel method. It is known as ‘relabel to front’ algorithm. It is discussed in details in ‘Introduction to algorithms’ …

Calculating max-flow using push-relabel method Read More »

Getting caught in a loop while traversing a (directed acyclic) graph

How to detect if you are getting caught inside a loop when you are traversing a directed graph. This is equivalent of checking if you graph is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Assume that each vertex of graph has a label such as A, B, C, etc. While you are traversing the graph, you keep …

Getting caught in a loop while traversing a (directed acyclic) graph Read More »

Checking plagiarism in assignment (tested with VHDL language)

I have developed some python scripts available here. I have used them in EE705 (VHDL, verilog) and found them very useful. It generates detailed log (which file matches which file) and sent emails to offenders with an archive of all file which were matched. It is integrated with my moodle-application (automatic download, extract, compare, sending-emails.) …

Checking plagiarism in assignment (tested with VHDL language) Read More »

Notes : Graph and Linear Systems in Laplacian Matrix

I have collected information regarding latest progress made in solving of system of Linear Equations. Interestingly this works uses spanning tree (approximate) in solving Linear Equations. Its was amazing that tree has to do anything with system of linear equations . See the attached beamer. Apparently they claim that they have found the fastest algorithm. …

Notes : Graph and Linear Systems in Laplacian Matrix Read More »

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