Hangman game in Haskell

Hangman in Haskell

Rule of Hangman

You play this game with a man called Hangman. The job of hangman is to kill you. Hangman is fair and have some rules. He is abided by these rules.

  • Hangman writes down a secret word. Let the word is W and its length is n.
  • He asks you to guess a letter of W. Whenever you guess a letter which is in W, hangman shows you that part of the word. For instance, if the word was cat and you guessed ‘a’ then hangman shows you _a_. At first correct guess, you get to know the size of the word and the position of your guess. If the word contains your guessed letter more than one time then hangman also shows them. For example, if the word was tweedledee and you guessed ‘e’ then hangman shows you __ee__e_ee.
  • You have minimum of n guesses. Every time you guess right, your get one more guess to make i.e. for each correct guess, total number of guess you can make in future are same.
  • If you can not guess the correct word in given guesses, hangman kills you.

Functions we need

Obviously, it requires input-output to system. When hangman inputs the word, you should not see. For this purpose, we have to disable echo at stdin.

import System.IO

@ Now we have to read the word from terminal. For this purpose we create a function getWord.

getWord :: IO String
getWord = do
    c <- getChar
    if c == 'n'
        then return ""
        else do
            l <- getWord
            return (c:l)


Checking if a letter is in word

To do this, first we check if a given letter is in word by using function posChar. It returns a list of Bool specifying if given letter exists in the word or not. For example, give a word ‘gabbar’ and a letter b, posChar returns a list of [False, False, True, True, False, False].

posChar :: [Char] -> Char ->  [Bool]
posChar [] char = []
posChar (x:xs) char = (x==char) : (posChar xs char)

It would be useful sometimes, just to see if a letter exists in given word or not. We can simply create another function ifContain using foldr. The idea is to use logical or operation on the returned list from posChar.

ifContain :: [Char] -> Char -> Bool
ifContain word c = foldr (||) False (posChar word c)
Hangman constructs word from guesses

Now if the guessed letter exists in the word then hangman has to show the word with guessed letter unmasked. We will use letter _to mask the hidden letter. At the beginning, hangman creates a word and a masked copy of it. Both of them must have the same size. We need a function to create such a masked copy. To make such a copy, we write a lambda expression on the fly,

 foldr(x ->('_':))[] word

does the job nicely. Now the job of hangman is to maintain the mask word and display its unmasked letter to the player. To maintain it, he needs a function addGuessToWord.

addGuessToWord :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Char -> [Char]
addGuessToWord w w1 c
    | length(w) /= length(w1) = error "Length mismatch" -- just for safety.
    | ifContain w c = buildW1 w1 c (posChar w c)
    | otherwise = w1
buildW1 :: [Char] -> Char -> [Bool] -> [Char]
buildW1 (x:[]) c (p:[])
    | x == '_' && p == True = c:[]
    | x /= '_'  = x:[]
    | otherwise = '_':[]
buildW1 (x:xs) c (p:ps)
    | x == '_' && p == True = c:buildW1 xs c ps
    | x /= '_'  = x:buildW1 xs c ps
    | otherwise = '_' : buildW1 xs c ps

This function is slightly complicated. It uses extensive pattern matching. At the heart of this function is another function buildW1 which unmasks (or rather put) correct guessed letter into masked-word.

Put things together

Now we have all the pieces to play hangman. Now we have to maintain no of guesses a player is allowed to make and callHangman at each step. We do it by,

callHangman :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Char -> IO ()
{- No attempt left, you are dead -}
callHangman 0 wrd wrd1 c = do putStrLn "Dead"
{- Attempts left, play on! -}
callHangman n wrd wrd1 c
    | ifContain wrd c = do
        let newWrd = addGuessToWord wrd wrd1 c
        putStrLn (" --> " ++ (show newWrd))
        if wrd == newWrd
            then do
                  putStrLn "Well done!"
            else do
                putStrLn ("Guess again. Left " ++ (show n))
                guess <- getChar
                callHangman n wrd newWrd guess
    | not (ifContain wrd c) = do
        putStrLn ("Guess again. Left " ++ (show (n-1)))
        guess <- getChar
        callHangman (n-1) wrd wrd1 guess
    | otherwise = error "Something wrong in logic."

The main function

main :: IO ()
main = do
    hSetEcho stdin False -- echo off to get the word from hangman.
    putStrLn "I am going to give you a work to guess."
    word <- getWord
    hSetEcho stdin True -- Now, echo on so player can play.
    let n = (length word)
    putStrLn (show n)
    let emptyWrd = foldr(x->('_':)) [] word --create a masked copy of word.
    putStrLn emptyWrd
    callHangman (n+1) word emptyWrd ' ' -- dummy call to start the game.
    putStrLn "Game over" -- make sure you are alive ;-)

Program structure


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