Mail server info of National Center for Biological Sciences (NCBS) Bangalore

If you are a mutt user and working at NCBS Bangalore, you can setup your account in mutt as following.

set from="REAL_NAME "
set from="USER NAME "
set hostname="imaps://"
set folder="imaps://"
set record="+INBOX.Sent"
set imap_user="NCBS_USER"
set imap_pass="NCBS_PASS"
set postponed="=Drafts"
set spoolfile="+INBOX"
set signature="sign.txt"
set smtp_url="smtp://" smtp_pass="$NCBS_PASS"
set realname="$REAL_NAME"

In short incoming server is and outgoing server is Use default ports.
To get smtp server information, you can always use (in terminal)

msmtp -v --serverinfo --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --port 25

Setup in BlueMail or other Android clients

For most clients, following settings should work.



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