Quine McClusky algorithm in Haskell

A small program tingu is implemented in haskell. It reads minterms from a file and produce the output on console. It is hosted on github. You can use it like

 ./tingu -i minterms 

Your minterms should be described in a file like following

 vars = 4
minterms = 1,2,5,7,8,9,10,13,15, 

Then output of program is

 Hello, I am Tingu, the mighty crab! And I like tea. You should call me $./tingu -i filename from your terminal.
 I have found the essential prime implicants of your function.
 Verifying my answers. It may take some time....
+++ OK, passed 100 tests. Peace!!

Peace !!

0 thoughts on “Quine McClusky algorithm in Haskell”

  1. Pingback: Quine–McCluskey algorithm in haskell - ZeScience Portal

  2. Hey!
    Thank you so much for posting this here hahaha it’s exactly what I needed. But I’m having trouble trying to load it in GHCi, can you help me with that?

    1. I guess you need to compile it using ghc; it won’t load into ghci. Do the following.
      ghc tingu.hs
      This will generate a binary `tingu`. Now you can pass the minterms from a file e.g. `minterms.txt`
      ./tingu -i minterms.txt
      It is working on my system (ubuntu-14.04) with haskell-platform.

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