Circuit drawing using Tikz (pgf)

[sourcecode language="latex"] begin{figure}[h] usetikzlibrary[arrows] centering begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic US, minimum height=10mm] matrix[column sep=10mm] { node (i0) {$A$}; & & & & \ & node [xor gate] (xor1) {$dev1$}; & node[xor gate] (xor2) {$dev2$}; & & \ node (i1) {$B$}; & & node (cin) {};  & & node (o1) {$S$}; \ & & node[and gate] (and1) {$dev3$}; …

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Women in India

In media, especially Western, there has been a lot of talk about gender-discrimination in India. Some report claims that India is one of the most dangerous place for women to live due to various reasons. These reasons, both prominent and sundry – although visible in almost every sphere of public life – manifest themselves in …

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